Arthur is Frizzle rooster. Considered an exotic, Frizzles are intentionally bred as show birds, pets and backyard egg layers. He was born to be sold to the highest bidder, but everything went awry with that plan when he was born with a badly twisted beak.
Nobody wanted Arthur because of his deformity, and the breeder was working desperately to get rid of him.
Thankfully for Arthur he is a Frizzle rooster and not of an egg production breed or else he would have lost his life on his first day. Still, he was in danger when he came to our attention.
While the number of roosters we can accommodate is very limited, we knew that either we needed to step in or else his chances were slim. So, step in we did and now Arthur is making friends with the other roosters, chickens, ducks, guinea fowl and bush turkeys that call Farm Animal Rescue home.
Even when farm animals are raised to be pets, many still end up having short and unhappy lives and are frequently passed from farm to farm causing them considerable stress. To make matters worse for Arthur, as with many types of pet, hardly anybody is interested in animals that are unusual or deformed.
Arthur has found his forever home right here. We hope that everyone who meets him will see his zest for life and intense curiosity and realise that all lives are precious, and all deserve a happy home, a long life, and quality care.
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