From Starving Kid to Strong and Sassy

Lucy was rescued on 7th January 2013.
Lucy's short life has been a rollercoaster of tragedy and adventure, and her story is both heart-wrenching and inspiring.
Just a week or two after being born into a wild goat herd, Lucy's world was turned upside down. Her entire herd was mercilessly rounded up and loaded onto a truck headed for the slaughterhouse. But, in an act of pure maternal instinct, Lucy's mother hid her away in a desperate attempt to keep her safe.
Days went by, and Lucy's hunger grew as her mother failed to return. With nothing else to do, she began mimicking the older goats and grazing on pasture, even tricking her body into regurgitating and chewing cud.
Despite her best efforts, however, Lucy continued to starve. Her little body simply couldn't process the grasses she was eating, and she was slowly wasting away.

A Journey Full of Laughs, Nibbles, and Some Butt-Head Shenanigans
But then a little miracle happened.
Lucy stumbled upon Trish, a kind and compassionate woman who took her in and cared for her. Trish soon realized, however, that Lucy needed more help than she could provide, and brought her to us for treatment.
With the help of our local vet college, we managed to stabilize Lucy's blood sugar levels and teach her how to feed from a nipple that provided life-saving electrolytes and glucose. And now, after so much struggle and hardship, Lucy is thriving. She's gone from being a tiny, emaciated baby to a plump, energetic toddler who's finally able to drink milk from a nipple on her own.
Lucy is now all grown up, but inherent in her rescue was a promise to always look after her, and she had her share of health problems. In early 2022, she was rushed into emergency following an internal hemorrhage that was causing her to lose an extremely dangerous amount of blood. After a blood transfusion, she was rushed into surgery where the surgeons found a substantial tumour wrapped around her reproductive system and other organs. After three hours of surgery, the tumour was removed, and she eventually returned to the sanctuary to recover.
Lucy's story is a poignant reminder of how the choices we make have a profound impact on the lives of innocent animals like her. It's because of the meat industry that Lucy was orphaned and left to starve, but it's because of kind-hearted people like Trish and our team at the sanctuary that she's alive today.
Every animal deserves to live a life free from suffering, and it's up to us to make that possible. We are so grateful for your generous support, which allows us to continue our life-saving work. Together, we can make a difference.
Thanks to our supporters, this tiny baby was able to demonstrate so much courage and exhibited such an amazing desire to live. We are so happy that she found her way to us.