Boris was born in 2010 and arrived at sanctuary on 20th April 2018. He is one of the most approachable of the sanctuary steers, in fact he really likes to approach you when you aren't looking and push you over! So we keep a little bit of distance.
A lot of the younger steers seem to think he is the best thing ever, and he can be seen holding court and showing them all how to behave.
Boris is a curious soul and loves to stand at the front gate ...we have no idea why except that perhaps he's curious as to what lies trying his hand at a security guard, or perhaps he realises this is where his food arrives.

As Boris grew older, we noticed that his horns were not growing out and up as they should be. One of his horns was in fact growing perilously close to his face, and we realised that it was only a matter of time until it grew into his cheek, causing him pain. We contacted the vet.

As Boris grew older, we noticed that his horns were not growing out and up as they should be. One of his horns was in fact growing perilously close to his face, and we realised that it was only a matter of time until it grew into his cheek, causing him pain. We contacted the vet.
We were lucky enough to have Bondi Vet come out and visit Boris to have a look and see what they could do. They consulted with UQ Vets Dayboro.
Both vets agreed that the horn needed to be reduced and decided on the best way to go about this. Watch the video as Boris undergoes horn trimming. Whilst we are sure this operation caused him some stress, we know he will now be safe from his wayward horn!