We launched FAR’s Visitor Program and new Adoption Barn on Sunday 8 July 2018 with local MP, the Hon. Nicki Boyd, officially re-opening the sanctuary with a ribbon cutting following the Queensland Government’s imposition of an 11-month visitor ban last year due to required works on Dayboro Road.
Fifty FAR supporters, donors, volunteers and community allies attended our shabby-sheik celebratory afternoon-tea of champagne, crusty bread, fresh vegetable crudités, cruelty-free dips, fresh fruit, and an amazing selection of Fenn Foods’ gourmet sesame cheeses. I am so very proud that FAR has been the catalyst for, and the first recipient of, the Labor Government’s new Charity Fund, which will now fund public work like the Dayboro Road upgrade on behalf of small charities like FAR. Had our five-and-a-half-year-old charity been required to pay the six figure sum for the Dayboro Roadworks, I honestly believe we would have been in a very different position today.
But despite the visitor ban in late 2017, FAR has received a strong and consistent surge of support for what we do. And I’m sending a heart-felt thanks to all of you from people across South East Queensland, West Australia and Victoria, to those that reached-out to us from the UK and US, to the consistently supportive nature of Brisbane’s leading vegan businesses –the Green Edge, Charlie’s and the Cruelty Free Shop.
FAR is celebrating you – all our loyal supporters, for all that you have done and continue to do for the animals. Together we’re making the world a kinder and more compassionate place.