The FAR veterinary team note the following health concerns for our residents on 27th July 2021.
Ethel went down and couldn’t get back up again at 8am this morning. She has limb pain which was potentially stopping her from sitting up. She is now on arthritis medication twice daily and requires close monitoring, as sheep will not survive on their side for long. (She has since had x-rays but nothing of note was revealed).

Jack has today had a recurrence of his hereditary auto-immune condition involving mild lesions and a 40 degree fever. We have increased his steroid medication and moved him onto an antibiotic regimen to avoid the lesions becoming infected.
Nanny has demonstrated that her spinal condition is not deteriorating, which is what had been suggested by the x-rays, and that her condition has in fact improved. She will be going for dental surgery next week in an attempt to resolve the recurring abscess in her left cheek.

George came down on Sunday with a bad case of pink eye. He had one day of stockyard treatment which appears to have ultimately been successful. Mild cases have been noted in Arnold and Solomon, so we will continue to monitor all ruminants for tears. A bad case of untreated pink eye can result in blindness.
Christine is demonstrating a huddle stance and fluffed feathering. Checked her hormone implant status which should be good until October (the implant removes the burden of laying eggs). Daily monitoring and a fecal sample evaluation to be organised.