- Allow for ongoing RESCUES! Yes, our regular donors ensure that we can accept a rescue at short notice - as we know we can afford to look after them. The security of knowing what income we have helps us rescue more farm animals in need.
- Providing SUNSCREEN - believe it or not we actually need to put sunscreen on our piggies, especially in summer. Genetically bred now to have as 'white' meat as possible - their subsequent delicate pale skin burns easily and we need a LOT of sunscreen to keep them safe from harmful rays.
- Giving them FRIENDS - regular donors know that they are helping each of our residents live their best life, but even more than that they know that residents are making friends with each other. Being a part of that feels really good.

4. Shouting DINNER. Regular donors allow us to buy the very best of food for our residents and therefore provide not only their daily meal, but also treats to such as carrots, which they love.
5. Inside some of these treats we place special MEDICATION to help the residents with ailments, especially as they age. Just like us, some older residents can suffer from aches and pains, and being able to provide them relief with regular medication helps them live without pain and maintain as much movement as possible.
6. Making their BED. Many of our residents, such as our hens, come from a life of sleeping on a cage floor, no doubt never really enjoying a peaceful night's sleep. Regular donors keep us in soft hay, which serves not only as a comfy bed, but sometimes can be breakfast too!
7. HOME. This is probably the most important. We all crave the security of knowing we have a home where we are safe and cared for. Farmed animals are no different. From the shelter of barns that you help provide, to simply a caring hand and kind word each day, donations help us provide a home for our residents, for the rest of their lives.