Join Farm Animal Rescue (FAR) for our 2nd Annual Hoedown at the Dayboro Community Hall on Saturday May 13th, 2017.
We will be frying up some delicious food, and partying to a professional caller and some wicked country tunes. Country gear is an absolute requirement, as is doin’ some hootin’ and hollerin’.
If you’d like to start your night off with a relaxing and quaint twilight tour to meet the rescued animals there will be one beginning at 3:30pm at the FAR sanctuary: 1713 Dayboro Road, Dayboro. The tour is included with your ticket price. After the tour we’ll head on down to the Dayboro Hall for food and fun! The Hoedown starts at 5:30 at the community hall in Dayboro Village which is a 5 min drive from the sanctuary. There will be vegan food to enjoy and we’ll be schooled by an expert caller in the basics of hoedown dancin’! We will have alcohol available for purchase and your little ones are welcome to join, but soda’s only for them! The caller will be finishing up at 8:30pm, however the bar will still be open so feel free to keep dancing until later.
Don’t forget to dress in the Hoedown/Country theme as there will be a prize for best dressed along with a raffle for a Tofurky “meat” tray! There will also be some great FAR merchandise available for purchase! We’ll also have our fun photo booth available again this year.
We expect this event to be great fun for singles, couples and family alike, but at a hoedown you have to share your partner, so be warned! All proceeds will go towards our animal rescue fund.
3.30pm to 5:30pm – Optional Tour at FAR Sanctuary (Included with Hoedown ticket)
5.30pm to 6:00pm – Make way to Dayboro Community Hall
5.30pm to 7:30pm – Dinner Available
6:30pm to 8:30pm – Hoedown
8:30pm to 10:00pm – Music and Bar Open
BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL. Early booker pricing available until April 30th, 2017.
Is there accommodation available in the area?
There is local accommodation available so check them out online including Airbnb. Unfortunately, there will be no camping at the sanctuary this year.
Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event?
This is an all age event however you need to be over 18 to purchase or consume alcohol.
What are my transport/parking options for getting to and from the event?
Street parking is available
Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?
Yes, these will be used as an entry/dinner ticket. If all of that dancin’ stirs up some hunger there will be Tofurky sausages available for purchase.
Who do I contact with Questions?
If you have any questions about this event please contact –